My name is Kyle i am originally from Trinidad & Tobago born and raised there for about 12-13 years i moved to the states when i was around 13 years old, i first lived in New York City at the time (Brooklyn to be exact) i went to school also as a kid, i attended PS 192 at the time, eventually i moved to Baltimore around that age (13-14 years old) i started school in Baltimore and i've lived there for about 14 years i wanted to be a DJ before i ever even thought about photography i was never the one who likes their photos to be taken but i figured id give it a try and start taking images of models around the city. i eventually started to add more to the category like nature and architecture, i started getting into it more and figured it was time to leave everything behind in Baltimore and move back to New York in (2017) by myself to pursue my photography career, this is where it really started for me, i started to work with a lot of models around the big apple, it was tough at first because their is a lot of competition New York but that didn't bother me i just did what i could and focus on getting better for myself and treat everyone with respect, time flew by and i started to get into celebrity photography this was my proudest moment of my life because i felt like i accomplish what i've came to do in the big apple, i've met some amazing people so far and its continuing to grow as clients and people that i've looked up to. 2022 was my breakthrough year of shooting celebrities and doing a a lot of private events and parties, i am very thankful and grateful for where i am today and will continue to grow i love photography very much the inspiration came from tumblr i was so inspired to see so many beautiful images and id figure id give it a shot as well!